In that vein, I asked everyone at Emily's backyard Fan potluck tonight to name at least one of their favorite things about Richmond. We've all lived here for varying lengths of time, but have a common excitement and affinity for the place. Shared around a circle and documented via iPhone, here is the list.
James Hill
1. Scuffletown Park
2. Proximity to beach/mountain/lake within two hours
Emily Jones
3. Backyard Fan parties
4. Personalities at Shields Market
5. Shows at Balliceaux
6. Richmond's Marathon Training Team
7. McSorley's on tap at Bogart's
Chris Holmes
8. China Panda
9. New York Deli's multicade and photo booth
Chase Goitia
10. Houses with place names ("The Dallas")
11. 8 places to get coffee in any given area
12. Restaurants with proper outdoor spaces
13. Quantity of trees in the city
Veronica Park
14. $2 movies at The Byrd Theatre
15. Free stuff in alleys
Kristen Ziegler
16. Local art and music scene
Noel Ives-Rublee
17. James River (we all say, "Ohhhh yeah. Duh!")
18. Retro-ness via Plaza Bowl, dodgeball leagues and rollergirl teams
Evan MacKenzie
19. Adult soccer scene via CVSA, SCOR and RISE
20. Beer culture at bars compared to other cities
21. Bicycling culture and local shops
Christie Thompson
22. Vegetarian/vegan friendly dining options
23. Awesome dance parties
...And the obvious one - our friends! (Cheesy, but I had to.)
Clockwise from top: Kristen, Noel, Evan, Christie, James, Chris, Chase and Veronica
Sir James Hill
Photo credits to the always awesome Miss Emily Jones.
Kristen Ziegler
20. Beer culture at bars compared to other cities
21. Bicycling culture and local shops
Christie Thompson
22. Vegetarian/vegan friendly dining options
23. Awesome dance parties
...And the obvious one - our friends! (Cheesy, but I had to.)
Clockwise from top: Kristen, Noel, Evan, Christie, James, Chris, Chase and Veronica
Sir James Hill
Photo credits to the always awesome Miss Emily Jones.
Kristen Ziegler
I'm going to add the funky, fun neighborhoods and parks throughout the city (i.e. Churchhill, Westover Hills, Jackson Ward and then Bryan Park, Byrd Park and Forest Hill Park, etc). Great blog Kristen!
Great addition to the list, Brenda!
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